Candyopoly Board Game – The Sweet Game for Little Kids

Original price was: KShs2,500.00.Current price is: KShs1,500.00.

The Candy-Opoly Game is a sweet board game for kids of all stages and ages!
You can be a kid in side of a candy store… with NO parents!
Its a fun, exciting,  interactive board game for ages  5 to 8 years and For 2 to 4 players so the family can join in too! if they want! by taking a trip around the Candy-Opoly board and collecting all your favorite candy.  Its all pretend but every kid hs a right to dream! When someone lands on your space, call out, “Give Me Something Sweet to Eat!” and collect  rent in chocolate coins. As you play, turn over deeds and learn fun facts about the sweet treats. Choose your token and advance to “SWEET!”


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